td mase psiko belajar pasal mental disorder..
rasenye td ler satu2 nye presentation paling ak fokus dgr..
bukannye sbb presentation tu yg menarik (* ceh, kurang ajo je ak)
tp sbb tajuk yg menarik..
ak mmg suke ngn org yg ader masalh mental nie..
errkk, bukan2...
urm, ak mmg suke bace pasal org ader mental disorder..
esp pasal serial killer yg ader mental disorder or just about serial killer...
drpd ape yg ak tau (info yg dpt dr cite criminal minds) tak semua serial killer psychopath, but almost all psychopath ialah serial killer..huhuh..interesting..
macam mane agaknye jd psychopath ekh??
macam mane seseorang tu boleh xde perasaan??
okey, definition of psychopath from wikipedia= is a personality disorder characterized by an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conduct, masked by an ability to appear outwardly normal.
again, macam mane seseorg tuh boleh jd xde langsung rase empathy or remorse??
macam yg ak tgk dlm citer house plak (wah, sume dr cerita) sorg pompuan nie ad penyakit mental nih lah, psychopath..
bile org scan otak dia ngn tanya psal feeling like sympathy, love etc, sume answer dia dtg dari bahagian bahasa kat otak, bukan bahagian emotional (amygdala)..kirenye mcm pompuan tu can understand fear, love, sympathy, hate but she cannot feel it..huhu..dasat x??
another story from ciriminal minds cerita psal sorg budak nih yg bunuh adek dia coz adek dia rosakkan maianan kapal terbang dia..and dia bukan takat bunuh je, dia siap sumbatkan bahagian2 kapal terbang tu dlm mulut adek dia..and he is only 8 years old..ok, i know it is only a story but still...dat scary..
p/s: i'm totally not a psychopath..
Menghilangkan Daging Tumbuh Di Leher
6 months ago
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